Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Not everyone lives a privileged life like you do. Some are living on the streets, finding food by digging out of trash cans. Some are terribly ill without any money to get a doctor or medicine. Did you know that 21,000 people die each year from hunger? Many people are aware of this circumstance, but many are not as well. We have started to make a change in many different ways.

Play For Change


WE made the arcade games
EACH and every one!
SO you give change but
CAN still play our
AMAZING self-made games!
REMEMBER, it’s a win-win!
EVERYONE is affected well! You get fun, they get a better life!

HUNGER will fall with P4C (Play For Change)!
UNDERSTAND 1 out of 4 people are starving!
NOTHING should be wasted when you finish your dinner
GO and make sure there’s dinner on their table
EVEN 25¢ is enough to play, whatever it takes to help!  
REMAKE their lives by donating!    


You can help.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Grade 6 Empathy and Compassion

The Grade 6 students this year continued to be active with our school community from environmental issues to world issues.

We have spent time developing an eco program through the Green Squad groups who met twice a week all year. We gave improved the outdoor grounds and the indoor daily awareness from recycling to litterless lunch and energy conservations.

We have also explored design thinking and integrative thinking throughout the year from issues on terrorism, Aboriginal Peoples voices and the Global Goals.

We have designed conceptions that informed our school community about the Global Goals. This playlist had the links to all of the videos. Playlist of the designs We coded and programmed sensors for the interactive designs. 

During our inquiries this year we connected with the Canadien UN  Military representative in the Congo and learned about forced and child labour as well as the students' life in the Congo. 

We created a Congo Escape Journey to build understanding, compassion and empathy for developing nations. We invited the Junior students to learn with us from Grade 4 to Grade 6

Our end of year Bake Sale was a success and we collected over 700$.  Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of the day as it was busy and the last week before school ends June 22nd.